Description of levels
The fictive development and calculation of your lithium-ion cell begins with the selection of the cell type. You can choose between 3 different cell types. By clicking on the respective button of the desired cell type you get to the main level of the app.
The prismatic cell has a solid metal case with both contacts in the lid. To simplify the calculation of the cell parameters, it is assumed that the electrodes and the separator are stacked. Wound electrodes are not considered.
The pouch cell does not have a fixed housing, the electrode stack is sealed in special foil. There are 2 different ways of leading the tabs out of the foil. You can choose between opposite or equilateral arrange - ment.
The cylindrical cell has a solid metal case. The electrodes are wound up together with the separator to a so-called jelly roll and inserted into the housing. The bottom and top of the cylindrical cell represent the con - tacts.
A drawing (click on the button Sketch ) reveals with value is meant You can already have the energy of your cell calculated by clicking the "Calculate" button . In order to enable such a calculation, arbi - trary    values    for varialbel parameters have been defined. Now you can change 3 para - meters on this level using sliders and observe what influence these parameters have on cell energy. If you would like to describe your cell more precisely and define your own parameters, switch to level 3 by clicking on the detail but - tons . You will then return to this level. After you have adjusted all values, the energy of the cell will be calculated as a result. In addition, the required amount of material for this cell is calculated, you will find these results when you switch to the next level .
Prismatic and Pouch cell
Cylindrical cell
Level 1: Selection of the cell type
Level 2: Cell definition, optaining results
Level 3: Define details
Packaging Details
Design Details
Prismatic cell
Pouch cell
Cylindrical cell
Material amount 	>>
Level 4: Receiving results, calculate costs
Level 5: Calculate raw material amount
Level 2 represents the main level of the app. Here you can calculate the energy of your cell with just a few settings. First you have to specify the geometry of your cell. You need height, width and length for the prismatic and the pouch cell or height and radius for the cylindrical cell.
The   wall   thickness   of   the   housing   for the   prismatic   cell   can   now   be   speci - fied here. Since   the   foils   can   be   connected   to the   tabs   in   different   ways,   it   is   possi - ble    to    define    how    the    connection should   be   and   how   big   the   distances are.    Here    you    can    find    illustrations which show what is meant.
The thickness of the housing can also be specified for the cylindrical cell. Furthermore, the distance bet - ween the jellyroll and the lid can be specified, which influences the dead volume.
The film thickness of the pouch foil can now be specified. The connection to the tabs and the feed-through can be opposite or on the same side, which can be specified here. In addition, the distances from the coating to the outer edge of the pouch can be specified.
Average cell voltage, calculated e.g. from cell energy (Wh) / cell capacity (Ah) Irreversible capacity loss, during first cycling (in production, formation) Cathode Coating Density (Area Weight x Coating Thickness) Layer thickness of the cathode coating Cathode active material amount (without binder and conductive additives) Thickness of Al-foil (current collector) Specific capacity of the graphite anode material Ratio of anode to cathode or anode excess Anode Coating Density (Area Weight x Coating Thickness) Anode active material amount (Graphite+Silicon, no binder/conductive additi - ves) Thickness of Cu-foil (current collector) Separator thickness Protrusion from separator to anode and anode to cathode (same size and not differentiable)
In the design details you have the possibility to set the parameters that you know from your cell and/or to vary parameters and observe their influence on the cell energy. Moving the slider changes the cell energy directly (at the bottom of this page). It is not checked for plausibility, so it is possible that your information cannot be implemented in practice or that the combination of some parameter values does not make sense. So you should know what you are doing. When you have set the parameters, you go back to level 2 and there you can switch to level 4 where you can find the result area, the output of the material quantity and the cost calculation.
When you have set all the parameters, you can see how much material you need for your cell. In addition, the number of electrode layers is calculated based on your cell thickness and stack details. If you want to know the material costs for your cell or the individual materials, you can enter prices per unit and the app will calculate the individual costs and the sum of the cell material costs. No other costs (housing, electrolyte, production costs, etc.) are taken into account here, only the materials mentioned are included in the total. For a detailed calculation of the raw material quantities, you have to describe the cathode material in more detail. You can do this on the next level (click the button ).
This level is only used to calculate raw material quantities, the definition of the cathode material on this level has no effect on the other levels. You first heve to choose whether you want to calculate an LFP or other metal oxide cathode, such as NCM523. After specifying the stoichiome - tric element ratios, you can calculate the amount of raw materials required. There is no plausibility check here either, i.e. you can define LFP as the cathode material, for example, but specify a higher capacity on level 2 than it is theoretically possible for LFP.
Pack calculation
Other starting options: Import Settings: You have the option of having present parameters sent to you and importing them to start your calculation with defined conditions. To do this, you have to select the desired .lic file via „import settings“ first. Then you can start your calculation by selecting the cell type. Reset : If you want to start again with the parameters we set arbitrarily, first click on „Reset“. Saving options: Save: After you did the cell calculation, you can save all parameters so that you can start again with the same parameters for your next cell calculation. For example, you can always start with the same geometric data without having to re-enter them. If you exit the app without saving first, you will start the next cell calculation again with the last saved parameters or the parameters we set arbitrarily if you habe nerver saved before. Save and share: You have the possibility of saving your set parameters and sending them to someone by creating a .lic file by clicking on „Save and share“. You can then send this to another user e.g. by e-mail so that he can start his calculation with your para - meters.
If you have set all parameters in the previous levels, you can calculate the total energy of a battery pack. Additionally you can see the energy of your calculated cell compared to a known cell at pack level. To do this, simply enter the number of cells and the energy of the known cell. You will then see the packing energy of your and the known cell in the results as well as the direct comparison in %. In this example, a pack with your calculated cell has 129.3% more energy than a pack with the known cell.
Description of levels
The development and calculation of your lithium-ion cell beg - ins with the selection of the cell type. You can choose between 3 different cell types. By clicking on the respective button of the desired cell type you get to the main level of the app.
The prismatic cell has a solid metal case with both contacts in the lid. To simplify the calculation of the cell parameters, it is assumed that the electrodes and the separator are stacked. Wound electrodes are not considered.
The cylindrical cell has a solid metal case. The electrodes are wound up together with the separator to a so-cal - led jelly roll and inserted into the hou - sing. The bottom and top of the cylindrical cell represent the contacts.
Prismatic and Pouch cell
Cylindrical cell
Packaging Details Prismatic cell Pouch cell Cylindrical cell Design Details Level 4: 	receiving results, calculate costs Material amount	>> Level 5:  calculate raw material amount Level 3: 	Define details
Level 1: Selection of the cell type
Level 2: 	Cell definition, optaining results
Level 2 represents the main level of the app. Here you can calculate the energy of your cell with just a few settings. First you have to specify the geometry of your cell. You need height, width and length for the prismatic and the pouch cell or height and radius for the cylindrical cell.
A drawing (click on the button Sketch ) reveals with value is meant You can already have the energy of your cell calcula - ted by clicking the "Calculate" button . In order to enable such a calcu - lation, arbitrary   values for varial - bel parameters have been defined. Now you can change 3 parame - ters on this level using sliders and observe what influence these parameters have on cell energy. If you would like to describe your cell more precisely and define your own parameters, switch to level 3 by clicking on the detail buttons . You will then return to this level. After you have adjusted all values, the energy of the cell will be calculated as a result. In addition, the required amount of material for this cell is calcu - lated, you will find these results when you switch to the next level .
The wall thickness of the housing for the prismatic cell can now be specified here. Since the foils can be connected to the tabs in different ways, it is pos - sible to define how the connection should be and how big the distan - ces are. Here you can find illustrati - ons which show what is meant.
The film thickness of the pouch foil can now be specified. The connection to the tabs and the feed-through can be opposite or on the same side, which can be speci - fied here. In addition, the distances from the coating to the outer edge of the pouch can be specified.
The thickness of the housing can also be specified for the cylindrical cell. Furthermore, the distance between the jellyroll and the lid can be spe - cified, which influences the dead volume.
In the design details you have the possibility to set the para - meters that you know from your cell and/or to vary parame - ters and observe their influence on the cell energy. Moving the slider changes the cell energy directly (at the bottom of this page). It is not checked for plausibility, so it is possible that your information cannot be implemented in practice or that the combination of some parameter values does not make sense. So you should know what you are doing. When you have set the parameters, you go back to level 2 and there you can switch to level 4 where you can find the result area, the output of the material quantity and the cost calculation.
When you have set all the para - meters, you can see how much material you need for your cell. In addition, the number of elec - trode layers is calculated based on your cell thickness and stack details. If you want to know the material costs for your cell or the individual materials, you can enter prices per unit and the app will calculate the individual costs and the sum of the cell material costs.
This level is only used to calcu - late raw material quantities, the definition of the cathode mate - rial on this level has no effect on the other levels. You first heve to choose whe - ther you want to calculate an LFP or other metal oxide cathode, such as NCM523. After specifying the stoichio - metric element ratios, you can calculate the amount of raw materials required.
The pouch cell does not have a fixed housing, the electrode stack is sealed in special foil. There are 2 different ways of leading the tabs out of the foil. You can choose between opposite or equilateral arrangement.
No other costs (housing, electrolyte, production costs, etc.) are taken into account here, only the materials mentioned are included in the total. For a detailed calculation of the raw material quantities, you have to describe the cathode material in more detail. You can do this on the next level (click the button ).
There is no plausibility check here either, i.e. you can define LFP as the cathode material, for example, but specify a hig - her capacity on level 2 than it is theoretically possible for LFP.
1 2 3 3 4 1 2 3 3 4 Average cell voltage, calculated e.g. from cell energy (Wh) / cell capacity (Ah) Irreversible capacity loss, during first cycling  (in production, formation) Cathode Coating Density (Area Weight x Coating Thickness) Layer thickness of the cathode coating Cathode active material amount (without binder and conductive additives) Thickness of Al-foil (current collector) Specific capacity of the graphite anode material Ratio of anode to cathode or anode excess Anode Coating Density (Area Weight x Coating Thickness) Anode active material amount (Graphite+Silicon, no binder/conductive additives) Thickness of Cu-foil (current collector) Separator thickness Protrusion from separator to anode and anode to cathode  (same size and not differentiable)
1 3 4 2
Other starting options: Import Settings: You have the option of having present parameters sent to you and importing them to start your calculation with defined conditions. To do this, you have to select the desired .lic file via „import settings“ first. Then you can start your calculation by selecting the cell type. Reset : If you want to start again with the parameters we set arbitra - rily, first click on „Reset“. Saving options: Save: After you did the cell calculation, you can save all parameters so that you can start again with the same parameters for your next cell calculation. For example, you can always start with the same geometric data without having to re-enter them. If you exit the app without saving first, you will start the next cell calculation again with the last saved parameters or the parameters we set arbitrarily if you habe nerver saved before. Save and share: You have the possibility of saving your set parameters and sending them to someone by creating a .lic file by clicking on „Save and share“. You can then send this to another user e.g. by e-mail so that he can start his calculation with your para meters.
Pack calculation
If you have set all parameters in the previous levels, you can calculate the total energy of a battery pack. Additionally you can see the energy of your calculated cell compared to a known cell at pack level. To do this, simply enter the number of cells and the energy of the known cell. You will then see the packing energy of your and the known cell in the results as well as the direct comparison in %. In this example, a pack with your calculated cell has 129.3% more energy than a pack with the known cell.