The second level offers you the possibility to define some parameters of the NMC cathode material yourself. In the upper part you can set the specific capacity and the cell voltage for the specified cell chemistry. From this data, the app calculates the energy of the material in Wh/kg. If you want to have an individual cell chemistry calculated, you can first enter the capa - city and the cell voltage. You can then define the exact empirical formula of your material. Make sure that the empirical formula is correct, the program does not check your values ​​for plausibility. By clicking on the "Accept changes" button , your entered values ​​will be included in the calculation. For the subsequent calculation of the quantities, you must now click the "Calculate" but - ton again on the first level. To give you an example of how to enter the values, the values ​​for an NMC811 (LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2) are stored in the image on the left. Here you can play with the composition. But beware, the program does not check whether your entries make sense! You can find information on the common parameters for the materials via the common search engines, scientific literature or in published patents.
The calculation of the material requirements for lithium-ion batteries starts with specify - ing the number of batteries. You enter the number of batteries yourself, you can start with just one cell. In the next field you have to enter the average battery capacity in kWh. This average should also be able to cover a possible mix of materials. In the next step you can give an estimation of the respective proportions of LFP (LiFePO4) and NMC in the total amount. However, you can do without a division between the two technologies and, for example, only accept 100% LFP chemistry or 100% NMC chemistry. However, it is also possible to specify any market share of LFP and NMC cells using a slider. Don't be surprised that only the LFP slider is movable. The slider for NMC automatically adapts to 100% in the sum of the two. You can now further define the NMC chemistry and specify its shares. You also have the option of specifying an individual composition and its proportion of the cells. Since some cathode parameters are set arbitrarily, you can already come to a result that is calculated using the "Calculate" button in the lower part of the page. Depending on which battery quantities you have defined above, the units of the required material quantities adapt (automatically from grams to tons). So pay attention to the units of measure you are in. As an alternative to using the arbitrarily set cathode parameters, you can precisely define some parameters yourself. By clicking the "Cathode parameters" button click to go to level 2.
Description of levels
Level 1: Definition of general conditions
Level 2: Definition of Cathode Parameters
Description of levels
Prismatic cell
Level 1: Definition of general conditions Level 2: Definition of Cathode Parameters
The calculation of the material requirements for lithium-ion bat - teries starts with specifying the number of batteries. You enter the number of batteries yourself, you can start with just one cell. In the next field you have to enter the average battery capa - city in kWh. This average should also be able to cover a possible mix of materials.
The second level offers you the possibility to define some para - meters of the NMC cathode material yourself. In the upper part you can set the specific capacity and the cell voltage for the specified cell chemistry. From this data, the app calculates the energy of the material in Wh/kg.
In the next step you can give an estimation of the respective proportions of LFP (LiFePO4) and NMC in the total amount. However, you can do without a division between the two technologies and, for example, only accept 100% LFP che - mistry or 100% NMC chemistry. However, it is also possible to specify any market share of LFP and NMC cells using a sli - der. Don't be surprised that only the LFP slider is movable. The slider for NMC automatically adapts to 100% in the sum of the two. You can now further define the NMC chemistry and specify its shares. You also have the option of specifying an indivi - dual composition and its proportion of the cells. Since some cathode parameters are set arbitrarily, you can already come to a result that is calculated using the "Calcu - late" button in the lower part of the page. Depending on which battery quantities you have defined above, the units of the required material quantities adapt (automatically from grams to tons). So pay attention to the units of measure you are in. As an alternative to using the arbitrarily set cathode parame - ters, you can precisely define some parameters yourself. By clicking the "Cathode parameters" button click to go to level 2.
If you want to have an individual cell chemistry calculated, you can first enter the capacity and the cell voltage. You can then define the exact empirical formula of your material. Make sure that the empirical formula is correct, the program does not check your values ​​for plausibility. By clicking on the "Accept changes" button , your ente - red values ​​will be included in the calculation. For the subsequent calculation of the quantities, you must now click the "Calculate" button again on the first level. To give you an example of how to enter the values, the values ​​for an NMC811 (LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2) are stored in the image on the left. Here you can play with the composition. But beware, the program does not check whether your entries make sense! You can find information on the common parameters for the materials via the common search engines, scientific litera - ture or in published patents.